Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal . If something contradicts anything God has already said in His . Stand Firm therefore, HAVING GIRDED YOUR LOINS WITH TRUTH, and .
Stand Firm continues Voodoo
If He
Stand up or offer resistance to somebody or something - resist, hold out, withstand, . Type of: defend, dispute, fight, fight back, fight down, insist, oppose, take a firm stand
Jenny Sanford shows betrayed wives how to take a firm stand . If you react on the spur of the moment, you might say or do something you will later .
take a firm line/stand (on/against something) to make your beliefs known and to try to make take a firm stand on something others follow them
take a (firm) stand on something. to express and maintain a strong opinion of something. take a firm stand on something I hope you take a firm stand on the need for more office security.
Newscaster Robert MacNeil Is Happy to Take a Firm Stand on Both Sides of the Issues . "You know something," he says, "I'm sick of all that one-minute garbage on the .
Proper usage and pronunciation (in phonetic transcription) of the word take a firm stand. . state categorically) Sentence frames: Somebody ----s Somebody ----s on something
stand firm - stand up or offer resistance to somebody or something. hold out, resist, withstand . hold firm, stand fast, stand pat. insist, take a firm stand - be emphatic .
Daniel is at meeting with a psychologist regarding his sexual compulsion issues . "take a stand" means to take a firm position on something, from a military usage of "stand .
take a firm stand - be emphatic or resolute and refuse to budge; "I must insist!" . take a crack at something take a crap take a dare take a decisive step take a deep breath
Stand firm in your faith, or you will not stand at all . in to the Lutheran internet radio program
Take the Stand . A Little Something. America
Employers must take firm stand with bullying . In our view, bullying is something that is repetitive. It is not a one-off action by .
take a firm grip on someone or something . 1. Lit. to grasp . take a firm stand Take a flier Take A Flying Leap Take A Friend to Orchestra take a gander
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